Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week 4: Paper Engineer

Artist Matt Shlian

Click on the link and watch the video PAPER SCULPTURE
Share your thoughts about the artist, his work and his views on his career choice.

Can you believe he makes a living folding paper?
Do you sing? Or dance? Or write? 
Could you see yourself making a living doing what you love?

Post your thought about the video and your future plans.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Post your reflections on working with the Georgia O'Keeffe projects.
Your reflections should focus on what you learned and what you experienced on each project.

For example:
What did you like about your project?
What is the best part?  What is the worst part?
What medium did you like creating with the most?
What did you learn from this assignment?

Your reflection should be at least 100 words and use complete sentences.
Remember to include your name and class period with each post.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 2 Georgia O'Keeffe White Shell With Red


First Impressions of  Georgia O'Keeffe
Goal: Use the four steps of art criticism to examine the work of Georgia O'Keeffe.

Describe: Observe the artwork and write down factual information
Analyze: How did the artist arrange the elements of art?
Interpret: What is the artist trying to communicate to the viewer?
Evaluate: What makes the artwork successful?

All posts must include the following to receive credit:
Your name and class period
All 4 steps of art criticism
Complete sentences
No slang
All posts are due each Friday.

***Do not copy from the post of another student

Week 1 Georgia O'Keeffe


First Impressions of  Georgia O'Keeffe
Goal: Use the four steps of art criticism to examine the work of Georgia O'Keeffe.

Describe: Observe the artwork and write down factual information
Analyze: How did the artist arrange the elements of art?
Interpret: What is the artist trying to communicate to the viewer?
Evaluate: What makes the artwork successful?

All posts must include the following to receive credit:
Your name and class period
All 4 steps of art criticism
Complete sentences
No slang
All posts are due each Friday.

***Do not copy from the post of another student